Inference of past demographic history using full genome data

Summer Workshop, 2020 at TUM in Freising


The workshop was cancelled and postponed because of corona virus. We will inform you, when we have new dates.


  1. Learn and practice the inference of demography from full genome data using various methods.
  2. Participate to a joint work to assess the power of these methods and writing of a research paper summarizing the findings.


In this workshop we want to assess different methods that use full genome polymorphism data to draw statistical inference of the past demography of a population. We want specifically learn how to use and parametrize them, assess their advantages, pitfalls and limitations. Two main classes of methods will be studied with guest instructors who developed them: 1) the Sequential Markov Coalescent (SMC) based methods such as PSMC, MSMC and SMC++, and 2) methods partitioning the  genome in many smaller units and using summary statistics of the polymorphism data such as ABLE and Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC).

For further details see program

Location and schedule

Technical University of Munich (TUM), Campus Weihenstephan, Freising, Germany

The workshop will start on Tuesday 12th Mai at 9:00 and finish at lunchtime on Thursday 14th of Mai 2020. The participants are asked to arrive on Monday 11th in the evening.


Simon Boitard (INRA – Toulouse, France)
Konrad Lohse (University of Edinburgh, UK)
T. Sellinger (TUM)
K. Boendel (University of Hohenheim)
F. Freund (University of Hohenheim)

Accommodation and travel reimbursement

SPP1819 covers train/flight tickets and accommodation according to the rules for reimbursement of travel costs for SPP members and instructors. A reimbursement form will be provided after the workshop. Please indicate via the registration form if you need accommodation. We will book a room for you.

External participants

Also for external participants we can reserve a room if needed. Externals have to pay all costs for accommodation and travel by themselves. A fee to cover meals and workshop material will be requested when the registration phase is finished.


Please read our data protection notice below before registering.

  • Register


By registration you accept our data protection notice. You agree that we may use your personal information for organisation and realization of this event and can give it to our co-operation partners. This includes especially:

1. Preparation of event materials
Your name and institute will be printed on name tags. In order to prepare the event material, we may give your data to our co-operation partners.

2. Processing registration and travel expense reimbursement
The University of Hohenheim will use your contact details for invoicing and, if needed, for travel expense reimbursement by the priority programme.

3. Organisation of catering and child care
If you follow a special diet or need child care during the event, please contact the SPP manager.