Molecular mechanisms underlying the rapid evolution of plant-microbe interactions

New Phytologist / DFG SPP1819 co-funded Workshop, 8 - 9 Feb 2018 in Vaals

Plants can be colonized by a broad range of microorganisms, ranging from prokaryotes to fungi and oomycetes. Notably, the two partners in these interactions (plant and microbe) are both subject to rapid adaptation by fast evolution. In nature,this is exemplified by the constant emergence of new resistance specificities on the host side and new virulence determinants on the pathogen side. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying these rapid adaptations are poorly understood.
This workshop will bring together a selection of internationally renowned experts working on both the host and the pathogen side to discuss the spectrum of molecular events that can lead to rapid adaptation by (co-)evolution of the respective interaction partners. The expertise of the proposed scientists covers molecular evolution, evolution theory, molecular phytopathology and microbial pathogenomics.
The workshop is meant to integrate a core group of researchers already collaborating within priority program SPP1819 with a wide range of international scientists with similar research interests.

  • Frantzeskakis, L., von Dahlen, J.K., Panstruga, R., and Rose, L.E. (2018). Rapid evolution in the tug-of-war between microbes and plants. New Phytologist 219: 12-14. DOI: 10.1111/nph.15220